Monday, March 10, 2008

Political Correctness (II)

Ed Brayton, a member of the politically correct "libertarian" Left, takes exception to John Ray's characterization of Barack Obama as a fascist. Here is part of Ray's response to Brayton:
He presents a set of fairly reasonable excerpts from my various notes about the similarities between Obama and the Fascists of the 1930s. I am glad that he has exposed my contentions to his Leftist audience. Some intelligent Clintonista (if there is one) might note them and use them! I am pretty sure no Clintonistas read this blog!

Brayton thinks it is self-evident that my comparison is absurd -- and he would not be alone in that: Fascists are nasty and evil and Obama is nice. Sadly, the Leftist control of the education system has almost completely blanked out how Hitler was seen in his time. I guess it is hard for a survivor of a modern education to accept but Hitler too was seen as "nice" in his day -- as a caring father figure for all Germans in fact. He was even seen as devoted to peace! I include some documentation of that in my monograph on Hitler.

And Obama and the Fascists have lots of policy in common too -- government control of just about everything, in fact. And I pointed out recently on my Obama blog that Obama is not at all averse to military adventures abroad.

And the public adulation Obama receives is eerily reminiscent of how Hitler was received by vast numbers of Germans. But you have to know history to realize that.
This strikes me as right about Obama and right about the "libertarian" Left, which -- like the unvarnished Left -- seeks to paint Obama's critics as racist.

I must add that Ray is too easy on Brayton, who -- in addition to being an anti-libertarian Leftist -- is a fanatical anti-religionist. He and his ilk at The Panda's Thumb subscribe to the idea that the government (especially judges) should be in the business of deciding what science is, and isn't. As I say here,
Think of the fine mess we'd be in if the courts were to rule against the teaching of intelligent design not because it amounts to an establishment of religion but because it's unscientific. That would open the door to all sorts of judicial mischief. The precedent could -- and would -- be pulled out of context and used in limitless ways to justify government interference in matters where government has no right to interfere.

It's bad enough that government is in the business of funding science -- though I can accept such funding wheere it actually aids our defense effort. But, aside from that, government has no business deciding for the rest of us what's scientific or unscientific. When it gets into that business, you had better be ready for a rerun of the genetic policies of the Third Reich.
Liberty, to Brayton and his friends on the "libertarian" Left, is the "right" to believe as they do.