Sunday, October 28, 2007

In the Pipeline

When I resumed blogging in earnest on July 1 -- after eight months in which I seldom posted anything of substance -- I had a backlog of about thirty posts in draft form. I have, since July 1, polished and published many of those drafts. I also have deleted a handful that seemed, in retrospect, not worth pursuing.

My backlog of draft posts now numbers nine:
The United Way or the Highway?

There Ain't No Such Thing as Free Health Care

Is America Resegregating? And So What If It Is?

Cell Phones and Driving, Once More

Creationism, Intelligent Design, Science, and Politics

Homosexuality and Other Gender Matters

The Folly of Contractual Libertarianism

Liberty, Harm, Nationalism, Federalism, and Individualism

A Summing Up
Will all see the light of day, in one form or another? Will I continue to blog after the nine have been published or purged? Stay tuned...