Apropos the preceding post, here are the names of the U.S. Senators and Representatives who voted against McCain-Feingold (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002).
Senators against:*
Allard (R-CO) Allen (R-VA) Bennett (R-UT) Bond (R-MO) Breaux (D-LA) Brownback (R-KS) Bunning (R-KY) Burns (R-MT) Campbell (R-CO) Craig (R-ID) Crapo (R-ID) DeWine (R-OH) Ensign (R-NV) Enzi (R-WY) | Frist (R-TN) Gramm (R-TX) Grassley (R-IA) Gregg (R-NH) Hagel (R-NE) Hatch (R-UT) Helms (R-NC) Hutchinson (R-AR) Hutchison (R-TX) Inhofe (R-OK) Kyl (R-AZ) Lott (R-MS) McConnell (R-KY) Murkowski (R-AK) | Nelson (D-NE) Nickles (R-OK) Roberts (R-KS) Santorum (R-PA) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Smith (R-NH) Smith (R-OR) Stevens (R-AK) Thomas (R-WY) Thurmond (R-SC) Voinovich (R-OH) |
Representatives against:**
Aderholt Akin Armey Bachus Baker Ballenger Barcia Barr Bartlett Barton Biggert Bilirakis Blunt Boehner Bonilla Boozman Boucher Brown (SC) Bryant Burr Burton Buyer Callahan Calvert Camp Cannon Cantor Chabot Chambliss Coble Collins Combest Cooksey Cox Crane Crenshaw Culberson Cunningham Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Tom Deal DeLay DeMint Diaz-Balart Doolittle Dreier Duncan Dunn Ehlers Ehrlich Emerson English Everett Flake Fletcher Forbes Fossella Gallegly Gekas Gibbons Gillmor Goode Goodlatte | Goss Granger Graves Green (WI) Gutknecht Hall (TX) Hansen Hart Hastert Hastings (WA) Hayes Hayworth Herger Hilleary Hilliard Hobson Hoekstra Hostettler Hulshof Hunter Hyde Isakson Issa Istook Jenkins Johnson, Sam Jones (NC) Keller Kelly Kennedy (MN) Kerns King (NY) Kingston Knollenberg Kolbe LaHood Largent Latham Lewis (CA) Lewis (KY) Linder Lipinski Lucas (OK) Manzullo McCrery McInnis McKeon Mica Miller, Dan Miller, Gary Miller, Jeff Mollohan Moran (KS) Murtha Myrick Nethercutt Ney Northup Norwood Nussle Otter Oxley Paul | Pence Peterson (MN) Peterson (PA) Pickering Pitts Pombo Portman Pryce (OH) Putnam Radanovich Rahall Regula Rehberg Reynolds Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Royce Ryan (WI) Ryun (KS) Saxton Schaffer Schrock Scott Sensenbrenner Sessions Shadegg Shaw Sherwood Shimkus Shows Shuster Simpson Skeen Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Souder Stearns Stump Sununu Sweeney Tancredo Tauzin Taylor (NC) Terry Thomas Thompson (MS) Thornberry Tiahrt Tiberi Toomey Vitter Walden Watkins (OK) Watts (OK) Weldon (FL) Weller Whitfield Wicker Wilson (NM) Wilson (SC) Young (AK) Young (FL) |
If I had no other information about a person listed above, I would vote for that person if he or she is standing for election to the U.S. House or Senate this fall.
* 38 of 49 Republicans and 2 of 50 Democrats. (Jeffords of VT, a nominal Independent, voted for BCRA.)
** 176 of 217 Republicans (with 5 others not voting), 12 of 210 Democrats (with 1 other not voting), and 1 of 2 Independents.