Monday, September 27, 2004

Carter's Election Strategy

It's simple: Preemptively discredit the outcome in Florida. From BBC News:
Florida officials stand by ballot

Election officials in Florida have rejected a suggestion that the state's preparations for the presidential election are seriously flawed.

Jimmy Carter, the former US president and veteran election monitor, predicted polling in the key state would be neither free nor fair....

Mr Carter said that Florida's top election official in 2004, Glenda Hood, showed "strong bias".

He accused of her of favouring Republicans by trying to get the name of independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader included on the state ballot, knowing he might divert Democrat votes.

The former president also alleged that an attempt had been made to disqualify black Americans more likely to vote Democrat on the basis of criminal records....
Hey, Jimmy, even the Florida Supreme Court, not known as a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, said that Nader should be on the ballot. But I guess it's "un-Democratic" to offer citizens too many choices.

As for the charge about disqualifying black Americans with criminal records. You don't want to open that bucket of worms, do you, Jimmy?